Hosted by IDTechEx
Printed Electronics World
Jan 3, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - Copper Utilisation Within Electric Powertrains

Upcoming Webinar - Copper Utilisation Within Electric Powertrains

Wednesday 24 January - Locations of copper around modern and future vehicles; Copper utilisation in the electric powertrain: Impact of changing battery chemistries; Impact of changing motor technologies; Impact of emerging semiconductor technologies in the inverter; Overview of replacement threats from aluminium
Printed Electronics World
Dec 18, 2023
The Continued Rise of the Robotics Industry Over the Next Decade

The Continued Rise of the Robotics Industry Over the Next Decade

Due to rising labor costs and labor shortages, coupled with the surge in e-commerce and logistics demands, the mobile robotics market is rapidly expanding. IDTechEx's forecast indicates that the annual market size for mobile robotics in logistics and delivery is set to approach US$150 billion, marked by a robust double-digit compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next two decades.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 13, 2023
Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Copper is a key mineral for the automotive industry, used ubiquitously across the wiring harnesses market. Its demand is set to grow due to electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle megatrends. IDTechEx's brand new report "Copper Demand for Cars 2024-2034: Trends, Utilization, Forecasts" finds the automotive copper demand will reach 5MT (1MT = 1 billion kilograms) of annual demand in 2034.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 12, 2023
Regulations - Drivers for Mandating Driver Monitoring Systems

Regulations - Drivers for Mandating Driver Monitoring Systems

Driver monitoring systems (DMS) have gained considerable momentum, driven by the escalating SAE autonomous driving levels and regulatory frameworks in key regions like the USA, Europe, China, Japan, and others.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 7, 2023
High Performance Computing for Automotive

High Performance Computing for Automotive

Computers on wheels. That's how people currently see cars. Practically everything that happens in a vehicle is being monitored and actuated by a microcontroller, from opening windows to calculating the optimal fuel-air mixture for the current torque demand. But the surface has only just been scratched in terms of how much computing power is making its way into vehicles.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 6, 2023
Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Tuesday 12 December 2023 - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen Production - Introduction to the hydrogen economy and water electrolyzer technologies; Overview of incumbent electrolyzer materials and components; Key innovations needed in electrolyzer materials and components; Electrolyzer component market outlook
Printed Electronics World
Dec 6, 2023
CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

On the 28th November 2023, a plane flew from London to New York. For the first time in history, this transatlantic flight was 100% powered by sustainable alternative fuels. This rounds off a promising year for sustainable fuels in aviation. Earlier in 2023, ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation was adopted by the European Union, mandating a 70% sustainable aviation fuel blending obligation by 2050.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 1, 2023
Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

The battery deservedly takes the major focus when it comes to technology development in EVs. But an EV's powertrain has to act holistically to operate with optimal performance and interact with the passenger cabin's conditioning system. This means that the thermal management of the motors, power electronics, and how this all interacts is just as important as the battery.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 29, 2023
Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Historically, the aerogel market has experienced slow and steady growth. With the newly found demand for thermal insulation and fire protection in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, aerogel manufacturers are making big plans and investments in order to scale up in preparation to serve this new market.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 28, 2023
Material Innovation to Drive the Water Electrolyzer Market

Material Innovation to Drive the Water Electrolyzer Market

In an era marked by a global shift towards sustainable energy solutions, the hydrogen industry is at the forefront of this transformative wave. Green hydrogen, produced through water electrolysis-powered renewable energy, stands out as a key solution for decarbonizing sectors where direct electrification remains a challenge.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 22, 2023
Surging CNT Capacity Enables Applications Beyond Li-ion Batteries

Surging CNT Capacity Enables Applications Beyond Li-ion Batteries

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are gaining significant traction as a conductive additive at the cathode of lithium-ion batteries (LiB), a market driven in turn by the electrification of vehicles. This success has seen an explosion in the global production capacity of CNTs, with players racing to establish themselves as a leading supplier to the energy sector. However, the potential application areas for CNTs extend far beyond batteries. In this article, IDTechEx assesses the effects of increasing capacity and how this surge in supply will open opportunities for CNTs beyond the LiB market.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 21, 2023
Webinar - Flexible and Printed Electronics Progress and Outlook

Webinar - Flexible and Printed Electronics Progress and Outlook

Friday 1 December 2023 - Following the Money - Enabling Materials (conductive inks, CNTs and graphene); Comparisons of applicable 2D and 3D manufacturing processes; Outlook for key components including sensors, batteries and displays; Market drivers and needs
Printed Electronics World
Nov 20, 2023
Webinar - MicroLED Displays: Unveiling the Future of Visual Excellence

Webinar - MicroLED Displays: Unveiling the Future of Visual Excellence

Thursday 30 November 2023; MicroLED technologies and manufacturing processes; Values and challenges; MicroLED applications and analysis; Application roadmap; Current development status
Printed Electronics World
Nov 17, 2023
Webinar - Creating a Circular Economy: Emerging Sustainable Materials

Webinar - Creating a Circular Economy: Emerging Sustainable Materials

Tuesday 21 November 2023 - Emerging Sustainable Materials to Watch in 2024" - White Biotechnology; Sustainable Plastic Packaging; CO2 Utilization for Chemicals and Materials; Emerging Alternative Leathers
Printed Electronics World
Nov 16, 2023
Quantum Sensors vs. Quantum Computers: The Next 10 Years

Quantum Sensors vs. Quantum Computers: The Next 10 Years

Quantum technologies are evolving at a rapid pace. Spurred by the promise of exponentially faster computation and classically unachievable sensitivity, billions of dollars are being poured into the development of quantum computers and quantum sensors.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 15, 2023
Join Our Upcoming Webinar on Advanced Semiconductor Packaging

Join Our Upcoming Webinar on Advanced Semiconductor Packaging

Friday 24 November 2023 - Advanced Semiconductor Packaging: Materials, Technology, Market Outlook - Advanced semiconductor packaging markets and their mid-long-term opportunity; Player analysis - the dynamics of advanced semiconductor packaging battleground; Industry barriers: Manufacturing challenges and material requirements; Research direction for Advanced Semiconductor Packaging
Printed Electronics World
Nov 14, 2023
Technology Trends Driving Sustainable Polymers for a Circular Economy

Technology Trends Driving Sustainable Polymers for a Circular Economy

Creating a circular economy is an essential sustainability target for governments, brands, materials suppliers, and the public. Key to pushing these sustainability efforts, which range from sustainability roadmaps developed by chemical and material companies to sustainable material usage targets adopted by brands, is the danger that growing global plastic consumption poses to the environment.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 14, 2023
Webinar - The Next Five Years of Quantum Technology: Hype vs. Reality

Webinar - The Next Five Years of Quantum Technology: Hype vs. Reality

Tuesday 28 November - What is the state of the quantum technology market in 2023? Quantum Computing: Benchmarking friends and foes; Quantum Sensing: Sensitivity vs. SWAP-C; Quantum Communications: Trading on trust
Printed Electronics World
Nov 10, 2023
Rising Star: Commercial Advancements & Developments of SSB

Rising Star: Commercial Advancements & Developments of SSB

The announcement claimed by Toyota that it had a "technological breakthrough" to resolve durability issues and "a solution for materials" for a solid-state battery (SSB) powering EVs in July 2023 has triggered another wave of interest in SSBs, in addition to the continuous efforts from companies such as BMW, CATL, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, LG, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Panasonic, Samsung, Volkswagen, etc.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 7, 2023
Emerging Molecules Produced Through Industrial Biomanufacturing

Emerging Molecules Produced Through Industrial Biomanufacturing

In the color spectrum of biotechnology, white biotechnology stands out as the industrial production and processing of chemicals, materials, and energy via cell factories like bacteria and yeast. In the bioeconomy, in which society uses renewable biological resources to create biobased products, white biotechnology acts as a critical technology driver. It not only reduces society's dependence on fossil fuels but also consumes less energy, generates minimal waste, and produces more environmentally friendly products.
Printed Electronics World
Jan 3, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - Copper Utilisation Within Electric Powertrains

Upcoming Webinar - Copper Utilisation Within Electric Powertrains

Wednesday 24 January - Locations of copper around modern and future vehicles; Copper utilisation in the electric powertrain: Impact of changing battery chemistries; Impact of changing motor technologies; Impact of emerging semiconductor technologies in the inverter; Overview of replacement threats from aluminium
Printed Electronics World
Dec 13, 2023
Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Copper is a key mineral for the automotive industry, used ubiquitously across the wiring harnesses market. Its demand is set to grow due to electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle megatrends. IDTechEx's brand new report "Copper Demand for Cars 2024-2034: Trends, Utilization, Forecasts" finds the automotive copper demand will reach 5MT (1MT = 1 billion kilograms) of annual demand in 2034.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 7, 2023
High Performance Computing for Automotive

High Performance Computing for Automotive

Computers on wheels. That's how people currently see cars. Practically everything that happens in a vehicle is being monitored and actuated by a microcontroller, from opening windows to calculating the optimal fuel-air mixture for the current torque demand. But the surface has only just been scratched in terms of how much computing power is making its way into vehicles.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 6, 2023
CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

On the 28th November 2023, a plane flew from London to New York. For the first time in history, this transatlantic flight was 100% powered by sustainable alternative fuels. This rounds off a promising year for sustainable fuels in aviation. Earlier in 2023, ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation was adopted by the European Union, mandating a 70% sustainable aviation fuel blending obligation by 2050.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 29, 2023
Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Historically, the aerogel market has experienced slow and steady growth. With the newly found demand for thermal insulation and fire protection in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, aerogel manufacturers are making big plans and investments in order to scale up in preparation to serve this new market.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 22, 2023
Surging CNT Capacity Enables Applications Beyond Li-ion Batteries

Surging CNT Capacity Enables Applications Beyond Li-ion Batteries

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are gaining significant traction as a conductive additive at the cathode of lithium-ion batteries (LiB), a market driven in turn by the electrification of vehicles. This success has seen an explosion in the global production capacity of CNTs, with players racing to establish themselves as a leading supplier to the energy sector. However, the potential application areas for CNTs extend far beyond batteries. In this article, IDTechEx assesses the effects of increasing capacity and how this surge in supply will open opportunities for CNTs beyond the LiB market.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 20, 2023
Webinar - MicroLED Displays: Unveiling the Future of Visual Excellence

Webinar - MicroLED Displays: Unveiling the Future of Visual Excellence

Thursday 30 November 2023; MicroLED technologies and manufacturing processes; Values and challenges; MicroLED applications and analysis; Application roadmap; Current development status
Printed Electronics World
Nov 16, 2023
Quantum Sensors vs. Quantum Computers: The Next 10 Years

Quantum Sensors vs. Quantum Computers: The Next 10 Years

Quantum technologies are evolving at a rapid pace. Spurred by the promise of exponentially faster computation and classically unachievable sensitivity, billions of dollars are being poured into the development of quantum computers and quantum sensors.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 14, 2023
Technology Trends Driving Sustainable Polymers for a Circular Economy

Technology Trends Driving Sustainable Polymers for a Circular Economy

Creating a circular economy is an essential sustainability target for governments, brands, materials suppliers, and the public. Key to pushing these sustainability efforts, which range from sustainability roadmaps developed by chemical and material companies to sustainable material usage targets adopted by brands, is the danger that growing global plastic consumption poses to the environment.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 10, 2023
Rising Star: Commercial Advancements & Developments of SSB

Rising Star: Commercial Advancements & Developments of SSB

The announcement claimed by Toyota that it had a "technological breakthrough" to resolve durability issues and "a solution for materials" for a solid-state battery (SSB) powering EVs in July 2023 has triggered another wave of interest in SSBs, in addition to the continuous efforts from companies such as BMW, CATL, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, LG, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Panasonic, Samsung, Volkswagen, etc.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 18, 2023
The Continued Rise of the Robotics Industry Over the Next Decade

The Continued Rise of the Robotics Industry Over the Next Decade

Due to rising labor costs and labor shortages, coupled with the surge in e-commerce and logistics demands, the mobile robotics market is rapidly expanding. IDTechEx's forecast indicates that the annual market size for mobile robotics in logistics and delivery is set to approach US$150 billion, marked by a robust double-digit compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next two decades.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 12, 2023
Regulations - Drivers for Mandating Driver Monitoring Systems

Regulations - Drivers for Mandating Driver Monitoring Systems

Driver monitoring systems (DMS) have gained considerable momentum, driven by the escalating SAE autonomous driving levels and regulatory frameworks in key regions like the USA, Europe, China, Japan, and others.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 6, 2023
Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Tuesday 12 December 2023 - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen Production - Introduction to the hydrogen economy and water electrolyzer technologies; Overview of incumbent electrolyzer materials and components; Key innovations needed in electrolyzer materials and components; Electrolyzer component market outlook
Printed Electronics World
Dec 1, 2023
Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

The battery deservedly takes the major focus when it comes to technology development in EVs. But an EV's powertrain has to act holistically to operate with optimal performance and interact with the passenger cabin's conditioning system. This means that the thermal management of the motors, power electronics, and how this all interacts is just as important as the battery.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 28, 2023
Material Innovation to Drive the Water Electrolyzer Market

Material Innovation to Drive the Water Electrolyzer Market

In an era marked by a global shift towards sustainable energy solutions, the hydrogen industry is at the forefront of this transformative wave. Green hydrogen, produced through water electrolysis-powered renewable energy, stands out as a key solution for decarbonizing sectors where direct electrification remains a challenge.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 21, 2023
Webinar - Flexible and Printed Electronics Progress and Outlook

Webinar - Flexible and Printed Electronics Progress and Outlook

Friday 1 December 2023 - Following the Money - Enabling Materials (conductive inks, CNTs and graphene); Comparisons of applicable 2D and 3D manufacturing processes; Outlook for key components including sensors, batteries and displays; Market drivers and needs
Printed Electronics World
Nov 17, 2023
Webinar - Creating a Circular Economy: Emerging Sustainable Materials

Webinar - Creating a Circular Economy: Emerging Sustainable Materials

Tuesday 21 November 2023 - Emerging Sustainable Materials to Watch in 2024" - White Biotechnology; Sustainable Plastic Packaging; CO2 Utilization for Chemicals and Materials; Emerging Alternative Leathers
Printed Electronics World
Nov 15, 2023
Join Our Upcoming Webinar on Advanced Semiconductor Packaging

Join Our Upcoming Webinar on Advanced Semiconductor Packaging

Friday 24 November 2023 - Advanced Semiconductor Packaging: Materials, Technology, Market Outlook - Advanced semiconductor packaging markets and their mid-long-term opportunity; Player analysis - the dynamics of advanced semiconductor packaging battleground; Industry barriers: Manufacturing challenges and material requirements; Research direction for Advanced Semiconductor Packaging
Printed Electronics World
Nov 14, 2023
Webinar - The Next Five Years of Quantum Technology: Hype vs. Reality

Webinar - The Next Five Years of Quantum Technology: Hype vs. Reality

Tuesday 28 November - What is the state of the quantum technology market in 2023? Quantum Computing: Benchmarking friends and foes; Quantum Sensing: Sensitivity vs. SWAP-C; Quantum Communications: Trading on trust
Printed Electronics World
Nov 7, 2023
Emerging Molecules Produced Through Industrial Biomanufacturing

Emerging Molecules Produced Through Industrial Biomanufacturing

In the color spectrum of biotechnology, white biotechnology stands out as the industrial production and processing of chemicals, materials, and energy via cell factories like bacteria and yeast. In the bioeconomy, in which society uses renewable biological resources to create biobased products, white biotechnology acts as a critical technology driver. It not only reduces society's dependence on fossil fuels but also consumes less energy, generates minimal waste, and produces more environmentally friendly products.
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