The transparent conductive film (TCF) and glass (TCG) market is booming and fast becoming transformed. This market is forecast to grow to $6.3 billion market in 2024. New applications and market trends are changing the requirement landscape, and in many instances stretching it beyond what the incumbent solution can readily achieve.
A vast multitude of technologies and players worldwide are emerging and/or re-positioning to fight for a slice of this booming yet intensely competitive market space. These technologies include silver nanowires, organic transparent conductors, carbon nanotubes, graphene, fine wire, and a variety of metal mesh and novel nanoparticle-based solutions.
Printed Electronics USA is a conference and tradeshow that brings together key players from this growing, dynamic, yet hugely competitive industry. Our exhibitors and top-class speakers will cover metal mesh, silver nanowires, organic transparent conductors, carbon nanotubes, graphene and ITO.
Printed Electronics USA will host 2,000 attendees with 150+ exhibiting companies. Our conference is focused on business and our attendees are predominantly decision-makers and commercial players.
Metal mesh is a new emerging ITO substitute. It has high conductivity and flexibility. It can also be cost competitive. There are a variety of methods that can be employed to produce metal mesh, including direct printing, embossing, and etching. At Printed Electronics USA, you will hear and see Uni-Pixel Displays, Synaptics, Rolith Inc, Nissha Printing, PolyIC, Goss International, Cima Nanotech (based on self-assembled Ag nanoparticles) present metal grid transparent conductors.
Silver nanowires are a promising ITO alternative. They too offer high conductivity and flexibility. They are also claimed to under-cut ITO in price, enabling them to gain market share. At Printed Electronics USA, you will hear Cambrios Technologies Corp, Carestream Advanced Technologies, and Blue Nano.
Carbon nanotubes are another technology option that can act as an ITO alternative. They have moderate conductivity but are highly robust and can simplify the stack design owing to their refractive index. At Printed Electronics USA, you will see Canatu, Brewer Science, Linde Group, NASA, etc.
Organic transparent conductors have existing market uses in anti-static shielding and capacitor electrodes but are now also competing for a share of the ITO replacement pie. At Printed Electronics, you will hear Agfa, Heraeus and Nagase Corporation present.
Graphene is also a hot topic. We are co-locating our event dedicated to graphene (Graphene LIVE! USA) alongside our Printed Electronics USA conference. Here, you will also hear from graphene companies targeting ITO replacement markets such as Bluestone Global Tech.
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IDTechEx guides your strategic business decisions through its Research and Events services, helping you profit from emerging technologies. IDTechEx Events provide an analytical, commercial outlook, taking into account market requirements, competitive technologies and development roadmaps. Attendees are presented with the full, diverse range of technologies - pushing knowledge depth in key fundamentals and expanding it in new related technologies; but the main thrust is always on end user needs and commercialization strategies. For more information see
or Printed Electronics USA, Santa Clara, California 20-21 November 2013