Hosted by IDTechEx
Printed Electronics World
Jun 25, 2009
Launch of IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage US Event

Launch of IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage US Event

Speakers already confirmed include The US Navy SPAWAR, GE, Savi Technology, University of Michigan, Fisk University, Structural Graphics, MicroStrain, Axcess Technologies, The Facility, NREL and many others.
Printed Electronics World
Jun 25, 2009
Huge increase in printed electronics toolkit

Huge increase in printed electronics toolkit

This year has already seen a huge increase in the choice of electronic components that can be printed or are compatible with printing in that they are thin, flexible and can support further printed circuitry on top.
Printed Electronics World
Jun 23, 2009
RFID - a surge in orders

RFID - a surge in orders

As forecasted by IDTechEx, there has been a surge in orders for RFID in 2009. Despite the world's largest RFID project, the $6 billion China National ID card scheme, being completed a year earlier, the global RFID market is rising 5% this year to $5.56 billion, in the face of the global financial meltdown which has caused some car production, for example, to plummet by 50%. In many applicational sectors, RFID orders are up 10%.
Printed Electronics World
Jun 3, 2009
New focus for printed electronics

New focus for printed electronics

In the last year, the burgeoning printed and thin film electronics industry has greatly enhanced its repertoire and changed its priorities, encompassing such things as rapid commercialisation of disposable and invisible electronics.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 22, 2009
How green is RFID?

How green is RFID?

In these days of environmental consciousness, what are RFID's green credentials? Is RFID a net positive or negative contributor to the campaign to help the planet?
Printed Electronics World
Apr 21, 2009
RFID Market Forecasts 2009-2019

RFID Market Forecasts 2009-2019

IDTechEx announces the new report RFID Forecasts, Players & Opportunities 2009-2019, which addresses the global RFID situation. Areas of growth, undersupply and oversupply and trends are given based on extensive new primary research. The report provides an unprecedented level of forecasts split in many ways. Here the primary author, Raghu Das, gives a summary of the report findings.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 15, 2009
Winners of the IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe Awards

Winners of the IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe Awards

The annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe conference and exhibition in Dresden, Germany, last week hosted the annual awards to recognise outstanding achievement in the industry. The Deputy Mayor of Dresden, Dirk Hilbert, opened the Awards.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 8, 2009
Printed Electronics Europe opens with Keynotes

Printed Electronics Europe opens with Keynotes

The IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe 2009 event opened this morning in Dresden, Germany. Over 760 attendees had pre-registered with many more registering on the morning of the event.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 1, 2009
Record Attendance at IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe

Record Attendance at IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe

In the current recession, there are few sectors which are growing rapidly, but one of those is printed electronics. Pre-registered attendance at the IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe conference, which will be held in Dresden, Germany, on April 7-8, is 20% higher than at the same time before the event last year.
Printed Electronics World
Mar 4, 2009
Printed electronics forecasts

Printed electronics forecasts

IDTechEx finds that the market for printed and potentially printed electronics, including organics, inorganics and composites, will rise from $1.92 billion in 2009 to $57.16 billion in 2019.
Printed Electronics World
Mar 4, 2009
Printed Electronics Europe passes 500 attendees and over 50 exhibitors

Printed Electronics Europe passes 500 attendees and over 50 exhibitors

IDTechEx's Printed Electronics Europe event in Dresden, on April 7-8, attendance has achieved record levels, and is on track to bring together over 800 attendees, by far the World's largest and most comprehensive event on the topic
Printed Electronics World
Mar 3, 2009
Unilever joins E-label study

Unilever joins E-label study

IDTechEx is delighted to announce that Unilever, the €40bn plus consumer goods giant, has joined its multiclient study of e-labels.
Printed Electronics World
Jan 20, 2009
What we need from printed electronics - feedback from end users

What we need from printed electronics - feedback from end users

At the annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe 2009 conference and exhibition, IDTechEx will uniquely feature a range of end user companies discussing their needs from printed electronics.
Printed Electronics World
Jan 15, 2009
Printed Electronics World website updated

Printed Electronics World website updated

Printed Electronics World was launched by IDTechEx in May 2007 to act as a portal covering global progress in printed electronics in it's many forms - organic, printed inorganics etc.
Printed Electronics World
Jan 14, 2009
Paybacks from energy harvesting

Paybacks from energy harvesting

This article shares some of the research carried out for the new IDTechEx report "Energy Harvesting and Storage for Electronic Devices 2009-2019".
Printed Electronics World
Jan 12, 2009
Finance for Printed Electronics is Not Drying Up

Finance for Printed Electronics is Not Drying Up

The news media are full of the details of the global financial meltdown. Is this affecting finance for the small companies and start-ups involved in printed and potentially printed electronics and electrics? We think not.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 12, 2008
Highlights from the IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2008 event

Highlights from the IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2008 event

Raghu Das covers the highlights at Printed Electronics USA 2008 where attendance reached almost 700 people and 55 exhibitors - making this event the largest in the World on the topic.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 1, 2008
Wider interest in printed electronics

Wider interest in printed electronics

At a time of financial uncertainty, companies know they must accelerate their move into the future. That is why there is a huge interest in printed electronics, a subject that pushes all the right buttons - environmental, affordable and leading to a new market of $300 billion that is just there for the taking. That is why the giant corporations are attending Printed Electronics USA, December 3-4 in San Jose, California.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 17, 2008
Large End User Companies Attend Printed Electronics USA 2008

Large End User Companies Attend Printed Electronics USA 2008

Printed Electronics is now reaching tipping point with the first major new products being launched - from flexible e-readers to fully printed RFID tags. To find out more attend Printed Electronics USA on 2 - 5, 2008 in San Jose.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 14, 2008
IDTechEx to launch Printed Electronics World Review Magazine

IDTechEx to launch Printed Electronics World Review Magazine

Printed Electronics World Review Magazine is to be launched at the World's biggest annual gathering of the industry - Printed Electronics USA 2008 in San Jose.
Printed Electronics World
Jun 25, 2009
Launch of IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage US Event

Launch of IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage US Event

Speakers already confirmed include The US Navy SPAWAR, GE, Savi Technology, University of Michigan, Fisk University, Structural Graphics, MicroStrain, Axcess Technologies, The Facility, NREL and many others.
Printed Electronics World
Jun 23, 2009
RFID - a surge in orders

RFID - a surge in orders

As forecasted by IDTechEx, there has been a surge in orders for RFID in 2009. Despite the world's largest RFID project, the $6 billion China National ID card scheme, being completed a year earlier, the global RFID market is rising 5% this year to $5.56 billion, in the face of the global financial meltdown which has caused some car production, for example, to plummet by 50%. In many applicational sectors, RFID orders are up 10%.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 22, 2009
How green is RFID?

How green is RFID?

In these days of environmental consciousness, what are RFID's green credentials? Is RFID a net positive or negative contributor to the campaign to help the planet?
Printed Electronics World
Apr 15, 2009
Winners of the IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe Awards

Winners of the IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe Awards

The annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe conference and exhibition in Dresden, Germany, last week hosted the annual awards to recognise outstanding achievement in the industry. The Deputy Mayor of Dresden, Dirk Hilbert, opened the Awards.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 1, 2009
Record Attendance at IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe

Record Attendance at IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe

In the current recession, there are few sectors which are growing rapidly, but one of those is printed electronics. Pre-registered attendance at the IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe conference, which will be held in Dresden, Germany, on April 7-8, is 20% higher than at the same time before the event last year.
Printed Electronics World
Mar 4, 2009
Printed Electronics Europe passes 500 attendees and over 50 exhibitors

Printed Electronics Europe passes 500 attendees and over 50 exhibitors

IDTechEx's Printed Electronics Europe event in Dresden, on April 7-8, attendance has achieved record levels, and is on track to bring together over 800 attendees, by far the World's largest and most comprehensive event on the topic
Printed Electronics World
Jan 20, 2009
What we need from printed electronics - feedback from end users

What we need from printed electronics - feedback from end users

At the annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe 2009 conference and exhibition, IDTechEx will uniquely feature a range of end user companies discussing their needs from printed electronics.
Printed Electronics World
Jan 14, 2009
Paybacks from energy harvesting

Paybacks from energy harvesting

This article shares some of the research carried out for the new IDTechEx report "Energy Harvesting and Storage for Electronic Devices 2009-2019".
Printed Electronics World
Dec 12, 2008
Highlights from the IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2008 event

Highlights from the IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2008 event

Raghu Das covers the highlights at Printed Electronics USA 2008 where attendance reached almost 700 people and 55 exhibitors - making this event the largest in the World on the topic.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 17, 2008
Large End User Companies Attend Printed Electronics USA 2008

Large End User Companies Attend Printed Electronics USA 2008

Printed Electronics is now reaching tipping point with the first major new products being launched - from flexible e-readers to fully printed RFID tags. To find out more attend Printed Electronics USA on 2 - 5, 2008 in San Jose.
Printed Electronics World
Jun 25, 2009
Huge increase in printed electronics toolkit

Huge increase in printed electronics toolkit

This year has already seen a huge increase in the choice of electronic components that can be printed or are compatible with printing in that they are thin, flexible and can support further printed circuitry on top.
Printed Electronics World
Jun 3, 2009
New focus for printed electronics

New focus for printed electronics

In the last year, the burgeoning printed and thin film electronics industry has greatly enhanced its repertoire and changed its priorities, encompassing such things as rapid commercialisation of disposable and invisible electronics.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 21, 2009
RFID Market Forecasts 2009-2019

RFID Market Forecasts 2009-2019

IDTechEx announces the new report RFID Forecasts, Players & Opportunities 2009-2019, which addresses the global RFID situation. Areas of growth, undersupply and oversupply and trends are given based on extensive new primary research. The report provides an unprecedented level of forecasts split in many ways. Here the primary author, Raghu Das, gives a summary of the report findings.
Printed Electronics World
Apr 8, 2009
Printed Electronics Europe opens with Keynotes

Printed Electronics Europe opens with Keynotes

The IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe 2009 event opened this morning in Dresden, Germany. Over 760 attendees had pre-registered with many more registering on the morning of the event.
Printed Electronics World
Mar 4, 2009
Printed electronics forecasts

Printed electronics forecasts

IDTechEx finds that the market for printed and potentially printed electronics, including organics, inorganics and composites, will rise from $1.92 billion in 2009 to $57.16 billion in 2019.
Printed Electronics World
Mar 3, 2009
Unilever joins E-label study

Unilever joins E-label study

IDTechEx is delighted to announce that Unilever, the €40bn plus consumer goods giant, has joined its multiclient study of e-labels.
Printed Electronics World
Jan 15, 2009
Printed Electronics World website updated

Printed Electronics World website updated

Printed Electronics World was launched by IDTechEx in May 2007 to act as a portal covering global progress in printed electronics in it's many forms - organic, printed inorganics etc.
Printed Electronics World
Jan 12, 2009
Finance for Printed Electronics is Not Drying Up

Finance for Printed Electronics is Not Drying Up

The news media are full of the details of the global financial meltdown. Is this affecting finance for the small companies and start-ups involved in printed and potentially printed electronics and electrics? We think not.
Printed Electronics World
Dec 1, 2008
Wider interest in printed electronics

Wider interest in printed electronics

At a time of financial uncertainty, companies know they must accelerate their move into the future. That is why there is a huge interest in printed electronics, a subject that pushes all the right buttons - environmental, affordable and leading to a new market of $300 billion that is just there for the taking. That is why the giant corporations are attending Printed Electronics USA, December 3-4 in San Jose, California.
Printed Electronics World
Nov 14, 2008
IDTechEx to launch Printed Electronics World Review Magazine

IDTechEx to launch Printed Electronics World Review Magazine

Printed Electronics World Review Magazine is to be launched at the World's biggest annual gathering of the industry - Printed Electronics USA 2008 in San Jose.
More IDTechEx Journals